Monday, May 25, 2015

These things I know for sure - September 18, 2014

These things I know for sure - 
I really dislike hot balmy weather, unless of course it is a tropical island and I have a fancy drink in my hand. ‪#‎godhelpmeANDmyhair‬
Sometimes you just have to go back to square one in order to start making the big strides.
Sometimes it is best to hold my tongue.
Maybe I need a change of scenery.
The ocean calms everything.
I am grateful to the moms who help drive my kid.
Everyday for the past two weeks I have craved the soft serve chocolate ice cream from Eatwell.  ‪#‎obsessed‬
I am praying that the sweet little town of Pahoa on the Big Island is spared.
I am deeply disturbed that our government cannot agree on anything but war. ‪#‎sosad‬ ‪#‎whataboutpeace‬ ‪#‎prayingforpeace‬ ‪#‎isthereanotherway‬
I really need to hug a redwood tree.
I am secretly dreading the high school search.
I miss my dad...

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