Monday, May 25, 2015

These things I know for sure - December 30, 2014

These things I know for sure - 

-2014 was a really rough year, but also a year of such enlightenment.
-Your friends always understand and if they don't, they still sit with you and hold your hand.
-I miss my dad and at times lose my breath over the fact that he is not a phone call away. I miss his smiling twinkling eyes.
-The removal of stress does make you healthier.
This year I promise myself that - 
I will work hard in launching a project that I have been holding in my heart.
I will find meaningful work in the mean time.
I will save some money so that I am not afraid.
I will be grateful everyday.
I will be a good mom.
I will laugh, smile and say hello to strangers just like I used to.
I will find my sassy free spirited self again.
I will invite my friends over.
I will exercise and dance because it is fun and not because I want to reclaim some old vision of my physical self.
I will accept that I am getting older, but I can still hold the girl spirit that lives within me.
I will floss everyday. 
I will wear red lipstick.
I will once again shed useless guilt, I have before and then I forgot.
I will hike this year, no f$%king knee will keep me from the hills - Michael, you with me?
I will work to simplify my life.
I will work to get out of debt - real and emotional.
I will say no.
I will get body work at least once a month - thank goodness for the SF massage school.
I will meditate.
I will forgive myself. 
Happy New Year dear ones. Sending love and light to each and every one of you.

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