Monday, May 25, 2015

These things I know for sure - August 1, 2014

These things I know for sure - 
If I meditate, do yoga and floss everyday, I will be on my way to vibrant health or at the very least a good night of sleep.
People will pay me well for my advice.
Doing things from excitement renders better results than doing things from desperation.
The universe is abundant. I just have to remember how to tap back in.
The scent of burning sage calms me down.
I am so excited to welcome my girl home from chorus camp today.
That in a few short weeks, I will be looking for high schools. May god have mercy on my soul. 
Like begets like.
Sitting around watching the world events unfold, without any action on my part, means that I support them.
I am craving a big juicy steak dripping in herb butter. Yes, I know this for sure.
God, the divine mother/father, would never ask us to kill in their name. NEVER! EVER!
Birds are wonderful creatures.
Holding my friend Sam calms and fills my soul. ‪#‎sambaker‬ ‪#‎sweetbaby‬Stacey
I am blessed by the company I keep, even if I haven't seen you in ages.
My body is craving warm tropical breezes on soft white sandy beaches and the smell of tropical flowers.
These things I know for sure...

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