Monday, May 25, 2015

These things I know for sure - March 9, 2015

These things I know for sure - 
-Larry David terrifies me - the idea of a old winey man that complains and acts like a baby makes me shudder.
-Magic is afoot.
-Cookies have no place in my home.
-If you meditate daily your body starts to crave it.
-It remains a mystery to me why people cannot just say "I was wrong".
-I love teens that are engaged and interact with adults.
-There is nothing in this world that compares to the type of laughter that doubles you over and makes you cry. Michelle AndraSusan
-Napping is the best thing ever.
-I love to cook, but only when I don't have to. ‪#‎loveCookingForFriends‬
-There is something pretty wonderful about the smell of grapefruit essential oil.
-I am actually looking forward to seasoning my new wok. ‪#‎IfoundTaylorAndNg‬
-My green smoothies are the stuff of legend.
-I would seriously consider moving to Paris or Japan, but most jobs require you to speak the language. ‪#‎sigh‬
-I still do not know my purpose in life. ‪#‎JustkeepswimingJustkeepswimming‬
-I wish my mom lived across the street.
-I love the wee hours of the night, when it is still and calm and I can be alone with my thoughts. ‪#‎Vampire‬
-Surviving a crisis of spirit makes you stronger.
-I miss my old friend Sam Contreras. ‪#‎whereAreYou‬
-In an argument, once someone resorts to name calling, they lost.
-I need to hug a redwood tree!
-I sometimes forget that I am no longer 22 years old.

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