Monday, May 25, 2015

These Things I Know For Sure - July 25, 2014

These things I know for sure - 

I love the times when I am alone in my apartment - it is so wonderfully silent.
When I feel stressed movement helps. ‪#‎asanas‬
I honestly cannot figure out what creative project I will work on this week - this coming week is a staycation get your life together week.
My neighbor is getting married tomorrow and I am about to embark on a sidewalk chalk fest that will make them so happy.  ‪#‎sidewalkART‬‪#‎covertOperation‬
My cat thinks I am her mom, really she does.
I want to dance, but it has been so long I feel that I may have forgotten.
I am not hungry these days.
I don't know how to bring peace to the world.
I wish my niece was home so we can hang out by the pool and look through magazines. ‪#‎missingAlexa‬
I am about to take a pair of scissors to my hair. ‪#‎uhoh‬ ‪#‎punkrockroots‬
I get by with a little help from my friends.
Laying on the grass, watching the clouds roll by with my sister was the best medicine today.
My friend Luis, lifted my spirits today.
Today I was asked to chair a committee and I agreed to do it. ‪#‎sharpeningMYskills‬
I am grateful...I am scared...I am hopeful...but mostly, I am grateful.

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