Monday, May 25, 2015

These things I know for sure - November 27, 2014

These things I know for sure - I am Thankful/Grateful for...
My family
My friends
My beautiful home - because while it is a minuscule apartment it is a jewel box of a home.
My Lucy kitty
My dear neighbors
That I live in San Francisco
That an ocean is 15 minutes away and, of the walk on the beach that I will take later today.
That I had my dad for 54 years - I was blessed.
The pumpkin pie Allegra is attempting from scratch (yep, from an actual pumpkin)
For the adventures and experiences that have come into and that I continue to create in my life.
To my knee for hanging in there.
That I am making most of my holiday gifts because consumerism is not filling my soul. And if I do buy anything it will be books and items created by craftspeople/artisans.
I wish you all a very lovely Thanksgiving. Let me know what you are Thankful for.

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