Monday, May 25, 2015

These things I know for sure - May 21, 2015

These things I know for sure - the "I am happy today" edition
-I am happy because I had so much fun last night and I realized that I don't do that nearly as much as I should. Thank you Joelle Porter.
-I am happy because one of my dearest friends, really a sister from another mother, found out yesterday she does not have cancer.  ‪#‎grateful‬ Michelle
-My kid is on her school trip and having so much fun.
-I can start to drive short distances. ‪#‎7weeksfromBreaktoHealing‬‪#‎ohHellaYeah‬
-I expect that I will hug a tree this weekend and hear the ocean.
-My ortho said that I will be able to support my body weight in downward dog in a month or so, and that it is okay to try now.  ‪#‎movemybody‬
-I am going to dance in my living room today until I am soaked from head to toe. ‪#‎bestexcercise‬
-I am so profoundly grateful.

These things I know for sure - May 13, 2015

These things I know for sure - 
-Healthy and vibrant is always better.
-When I fell, others held me up.
-Tell those you love and care for, that you LOVE them everyday, all the time. Because life really can be so short.  ‪#‎RIPGianCarlo‬ ‪#‎RIPLiz‬
-I miss driving.
-I miss my carpool kids.
-I really miss my dad.
-That we should all have our emergency kits updated, right now. ‪#‎AltasIsShrugging‬ ‪#‎ringofFire‬
-The next few days will reveal the next few years.
-I really dig the people that dress in period clothing and their events.
-Nothing heals like sleeping.
-I am strong.
-I desperately need a vacation.
-I am no longer certain that I know what I thought I knew.
-I am blessed that my friends are my friends - I am truly blessed by the company I keep.
-Same thing with my family.
-In about a year my wrist will be able to withstand my body weight and I can then do Downward Dog. ‪#‎YES‬

These things I know for sure - March 9, 2015

These things I know for sure - 
-Larry David terrifies me - the idea of a old winey man that complains and acts like a baby makes me shudder.
-Magic is afoot.
-Cookies have no place in my home.
-If you meditate daily your body starts to crave it.
-It remains a mystery to me why people cannot just say "I was wrong".
-I love teens that are engaged and interact with adults.
-There is nothing in this world that compares to the type of laughter that doubles you over and makes you cry. Michelle AndraSusan
-Napping is the best thing ever.
-I love to cook, but only when I don't have to. ‪#‎loveCookingForFriends‬
-There is something pretty wonderful about the smell of grapefruit essential oil.
-I am actually looking forward to seasoning my new wok. ‪#‎IfoundTaylorAndNg‬
-My green smoothies are the stuff of legend.
-I would seriously consider moving to Paris or Japan, but most jobs require you to speak the language. ‪#‎sigh‬
-I still do not know my purpose in life. ‪#‎JustkeepswimingJustkeepswimming‬
-I wish my mom lived across the street.
-I love the wee hours of the night, when it is still and calm and I can be alone with my thoughts. ‪#‎Vampire‬
-Surviving a crisis of spirit makes you stronger.
-I miss my old friend Sam Contreras. ‪#‎whereAreYou‬
-In an argument, once someone resorts to name calling, they lost.
-I need to hug a redwood tree!
-I sometimes forget that I am no longer 22 years old.

These things I know for sure - January 26, 2015

These things I know for sure -
I wish I were in Hawaii. Right now. If I close my eyes I can smell the warm waters of the Pacific mixed with plumeria.
Purging half of my wardrobe is freeing. (No, I am not going to go shopping, don't believe everything you are told.)
I am having moments of such clarity and hope.  ‪#‎HelloOldFriends‬
I am in need of my own garden. ‪#‎IwantToGrowMyOwnTomatoes‬
I am in need of a hike.
I am in need of an 80s night of dancing - new wave not Tears for Fears (I really dislike T4F).
I miss my Grattan girlfriends - Hallie, Michelle, Dara, Tia, Christina, Kaori, Mary, Alisa, et all - see above for dancing.
I am tired of witnessing the disparity between the "have nots" and the "extreme haves". 
That when one door closes, the universe has other plans. Those plans are usually better.
I really wish I had a housekeeper.
I am really happy my sister is in the city. Love the impromptu visits. ‪#‎likeoldtimes‬
In the past few months traffic in SF has doubled.
I am really craving pineapple juice - gallons of it.
Mortality and aging - I am not quite sure how to process either.
Seeing homeless old people begging breaks my heart and terrifies me.
I really do want all of my people to be happy. ‪#‎pollyanna‬

These things I know for sure - December 30, 2014

These things I know for sure - 

-2014 was a really rough year, but also a year of such enlightenment.
-Your friends always understand and if they don't, they still sit with you and hold your hand.
-I miss my dad and at times lose my breath over the fact that he is not a phone call away. I miss his smiling twinkling eyes.
-The removal of stress does make you healthier.
This year I promise myself that - 
I will work hard in launching a project that I have been holding in my heart.
I will find meaningful work in the mean time.
I will save some money so that I am not afraid.
I will be grateful everyday.
I will be a good mom.
I will laugh, smile and say hello to strangers just like I used to.
I will find my sassy free spirited self again.
I will invite my friends over.
I will exercise and dance because it is fun and not because I want to reclaim some old vision of my physical self.
I will accept that I am getting older, but I can still hold the girl spirit that lives within me.
I will floss everyday. 
I will wear red lipstick.
I will once again shed useless guilt, I have before and then I forgot.
I will hike this year, no f$%king knee will keep me from the hills - Michael, you with me?
I will work to simplify my life.
I will work to get out of debt - real and emotional.
I will say no.
I will get body work at least once a month - thank goodness for the SF massage school.
I will meditate.
I will forgive myself. 
Happy New Year dear ones. Sending love and light to each and every one of you.

These things I know for sure - November 27, 2014

These things I know for sure - I am Thankful/Grateful for...
My family
My friends
My beautiful home - because while it is a minuscule apartment it is a jewel box of a home.
My Lucy kitty
My dear neighbors
That I live in San Francisco
That an ocean is 15 minutes away and, of the walk on the beach that I will take later today.
That I had my dad for 54 years - I was blessed.
The pumpkin pie Allegra is attempting from scratch (yep, from an actual pumpkin)
For the adventures and experiences that have come into and that I continue to create in my life.
To my knee for hanging in there.
That I am making most of my holiday gifts because consumerism is not filling my soul. And if I do buy anything it will be books and items created by craftspeople/artisans.
I wish you all a very lovely Thanksgiving. Let me know what you are Thankful for.

These things I know for sure - November 12, 2014

These things I know for sure - 
We landed a rocket on a comet! As far as I am concerned that might just be the coolest thing I have heard about in a very, very long time.
I am blessed by the company I keep. Elizabeth Jellousheg Heaney Michael J Perona
I am not sure if it is the story or just the heart wrenchingly beautiful music and singing that makes me sob like a baby. ‪#‎opera‬ ‪#‎laBoheme‬
I am a very, very, very proud Mama! ‪#‎Allegra‬ ‪#‎BravissimaNina‬
I count my blessings everyday for the wonderful girls that have become part of my family. ‪#‎LoveAllegrasFriends‬ ‪#‎chorusMates‬
I have so many ideas.
I am not afraid.
I have hope.
I believe in myself.
I love my friends.