Friday, November 7, 2008

WOW, What a week...

This week we elected Barak Obama as our 44th President. And in an instant - the energy around the world changed. People around the world breathed a collective sigh of relief.

People of color (and I include myself being hispanic) there are no more excuses. We need to take our overwhelming sense of pride and do something constructive with it. At this moment every individual can change their world and maybe the entire world. What are you going to do with your opportunity? Are you going to wait for our new President to try and do it alone. Or, are we going to also make a difference.

Then, in what seems like another reality. Our gay brothers and sisters have found themselves is an awful situation. Their right to marry whom they want has been ripped from them. I am so angry, and I have to funnel that into being proactive. Religious groups and churches have poured millions and millions of dollars into California; the same churches fed fear into their parishioners; polarizing and not true statements were made in campaign ads. Honestly, I am of the belief that if you preach politics from the pulpit then you should lose your non-profit status. I believe we all support the separation of church and state....right?

Good night dear readers. Tomorrow I take my dear daughter and niece to the opera - this should be fun. Have a great weekend.

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