Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Enough Already!!!!

Are you as sick of this election as I am!

I am tired of all of the "vote for me" calls to my home and office - STOP CALLING ME!

I am tired of the polarization of our county and the fools that are feeding it.

I am tired of campaign handlers.

I am sickened by the amount of money donated for these elections - can you imagine what we could do with those sums?

I am tired of the posturing.

I am really sick and tired of people calling themselves mavericks - when that is something someone else says about you. "We are mavericks" is simply wrong.

I am sickened by the fact that people want to vote for someone they can have BBQ and drink a beer with. That is absurd - don't we want someone smarter, more diplomatic, and wiser than us in that position?

I am tired of sensational journalism.

I am upset that candidates are not fighting on platforms and ideas - but instead on personal relationships (those real and or not.)

I angry that the women's movement made great strides backwards during this election. There were relentless personal attacks on Mrs. Clinton and no one - not Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, nor Dianne Feinstein or ANY democratic leader stood up for her publicly when she was called moody, or some ridiculous author on PBS made comment on being sick of her pant suits. How about the crying thing - I heard grown men on the radio say "WAAAAA!!!! Vote for meeeee."

I am also really upset that Mrs. Clinton was held to a different standard then that any other candidate. Countless delegates and people were interviewed saying they were tuning in to Mrs.Clinton's speech at the convention because they wanted to see if she was sincere or not. WTF - When Ted Kennedy lost to Jimmy Carter he just ignored him. Did anyone go postal on him - I DON'T THINK SO!!

I am tired of election guides that don't really help me figure out what we are voting on - argument for proposition X, argument against the argument for proposition X and so on...

I am tired of "I am (fill in name) and I approve this message" - REALLY? DUH!!

Enough ranting - I need to make dinner for my kid.

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