Saturday, February 28, 2009


Ever wonder what it is like to be so immobilized that you could not move or dare not move. What in your life is imprisoning you - or do you even feel this way at all.

Some of my friends are imprisoned by their weight, others by their bad marriages to terrible people, others to the demons in their mind and old decisions, and yet even others that are imprisoned by their guilt of having a good life. And, then those who seem like they are looking for any reason to imprisoned by misery. I have this friend - she has a good life, great husband but she is miserable in her work, yet she stays because she wants that retirement bonus (she is barely 50). She spends hours and hours worrying if her stocks and investments are going to make it and she is a prisoner of her own fear. And this fear was around well before the financial crisis - she must be really freaked out at the moment. Is it the human condition to find something to be afraid of, something that makes our life miserable.

God does not put in front of you what you cannot deal with at the moment.

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