Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day of Thanks...

Today is a day to reflect on all that I am grateful for and I would like to share it.

I am grateful for my daughter. I just didn't know that I had such a capacity for love and that anyone would ever so deeply and unconditionally love me back. She is light, love, laughter and joy all wrapped up in a whirling, spinning, giggling, singing bundle of girlie-ness. I am so incredibly blessed - I thank GOD every day...every single day.

I am grateful that I can work from my home.

I am grateful for my family - My parents whom I adore. My brother and sister and their spouses. My precious nieces and nephews who are all my children as well. My in-laws. My cousins. I am truly blessed. They love me no matter what, they have an unending generosity of spirit.

I am grateful for my beautiful home in my beautiful city. I live in San Francisco! - not many people get to say that. My home is my sanctuary, my place of balance, of renewal and of safety.

My tribe - my incredible tribe that has been with me for many many years - you know who you are. You are the family I chose.

My friends, what on earth would I do without you.

For dancing - it makes me feel alive.

For the creative work that I do - it stops time and space.

For my spirituality - it gives me hope when I have none. It reminds me of the impermanence of things. It reminds me that all situations are an illusion. It reminds me that shit happens to everyone - but it is what I DO WITH IT, that matters most. It reminds me that the journey is the adventure not the destination. It reminds me that the wisdom and answer to all of my questions lie within. It reminds me that a compassionate heart gives light to the world.

I am grateful that I can have a bit of a break from working and my husband will help me. I tell him often - I hope he know and can hear it.

Funny enough, I am grateful for my stuggles - because they are helping me be a stronger and hopefully wiser woman.

Happy Thanksgiving and many many blessings to you all.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to broach the subject but it has been on my mind this week.

I learned at a very early age that if you say something about someone; you should, if confronted, be able to say whatever it was you were saying to the person you were gossiping about. Tough lesson at 17 but I fessed up, told the truth, apologized and walked through the fire.

Unfortunately, gossip is an addictive mistress. Once you get started it is hard to stop. Doesn't matter if you are 15 or 48, or 79. Doesn't matter if you have vowed to yourself to stop the gossip. Sigh, I try so hard.

This week several friends were gossiping about two of my other dear dear friends. I was drinking a beer and just sat there with a stomach ache and an overwhelming need to stop it. It seems that friend 1 was complaining about friend 2 for being inappropriate. All I could think of was - we are all inappropriate at one time or another including friend 1. But my two beer buddies were really carrying on. So finally I had to say it - that I was disturbed by what I was hearing. I stated that friend 1 and 2 were dear friends to each other and that they should be talking to each other instead of friend 1 gossiping to my beer friends. Oh what tangled web we weave... none-the-less beer friends were using it as fuel to put down friend 2. Not good. So the only foolish blather that came out of my mouth was some sort of incoherent comment about if friend 1 gossiped so about friend 2 - what must people say about me. I too have been in appropriate as has friend 1. We have all been inappropriate.

None-the-less one of the beer friends went on about how they expect people to talk about them and they don't care. Pretty much ignored my comment and continued.


Do you care if you are gossip fodder, or would you rather someone tell you the truth about something you are doing?

Frankly I would prefer to be confronted with something I am doing wrong then to have people gossip behind my back. Gossip sucks positive energy, kills friendships, and will leave you lonely.

If you gossip - Stop, if you can't stop then at least have the decency to confide in someone who will keep your words in confidence.

I don't want to hear crap about my friends - they are my friends! I know they aren't perfect-neither am I. I know they sometimes make really stupid decisions - so do I. I know they are sometimes inappropriate - so am I.

Enough said - PEACE!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

WOW, What a week...

This week we elected Barak Obama as our 44th President. And in an instant - the energy around the world changed. People around the world breathed a collective sigh of relief.

People of color (and I include myself being hispanic) there are no more excuses. We need to take our overwhelming sense of pride and do something constructive with it. At this moment every individual can change their world and maybe the entire world. What are you going to do with your opportunity? Are you going to wait for our new President to try and do it alone. Or, are we going to also make a difference.

Then, in what seems like another reality. Our gay brothers and sisters have found themselves is an awful situation. Their right to marry whom they want has been ripped from them. I am so angry, and I have to funnel that into being proactive. Religious groups and churches have poured millions and millions of dollars into California; the same churches fed fear into their parishioners; polarizing and not true statements were made in campaign ads. Honestly, I am of the belief that if you preach politics from the pulpit then you should lose your non-profit status. I believe we all support the separation of church and state....right?

Good night dear readers. Tomorrow I take my dear daughter and niece to the opera - this should be fun. Have a great weekend.