Saturday, June 6, 2009

A strange kind of love, a strange kind of feeling...

So do you remember all of those concerts you went to when you were young and you felt the singer was singing to you.  It is an actual phenomena you know.  I have been to many concerts in my life, I have been wandering aimlessly through the audience, I would sit, I would stand, I would dance, I would lean against the stage and would happily and merrily think the song was being dedicated to me.  I do not want to hear about being a narcissist, this isn't what this is about.

A few nights ago, I went to hear Peter Murphy perform.  I love Peter Murphy, I mean it is not just the music which I love, the lyrics which make me cry, nor that he was so beautiful and now as an older man, he is still beautiful and more soulful in a very different way. It isn't that he was and probably still is the king of his genre, I think that it is when we went to see him perform when I was about 7 months pregnant and I had an alchemical reaction to his music.  I don't know, but I just love him.  Not a gaga love, but the peaceful kind of love that you feel toward your yogi.

Anyway, back to my story.  I thought it would be a really great idea to surprise my husband with an early birthday gift to an undercover Peter Murphy show at Bimbos here in San Francisco.  We went, took our positions about 3-5 feet from the stage and enjoyed the show. When he came to our side as I stood there a cosmo in one hand and my fan (oh the hot flashes) in the other and blew him a kiss. Later, he sings one of my favorite songs, "Fall with your Knife" and I swear I had a connection to him - Peter Murphy was singing to ME!  I turned my husband and said "I don't care what anyone says it felt like Peter was singing to me."  My husband looked at me quite seriously and said "OH NO DI, HE WAS DEFINITELY SINGING TO YOU, Peter Murphy sang and blew a kiss to my wife! We have to talk about this later."

Ha! He WAS singing to me.  Not just my imagination...

My husband later explains to me that he saw Peter singing to me and burst into joyful tears.  I think that my husband also had an alchemical bond with him when I was pregnant so many years ago, plus he knows how much I adore him. Anyway, both Peter and his guitarist noticed his emotion and acknowledged him.  All very sweet and touching.

This concert will remain in my heart always - not just because my favorite song was sung to by my favorite artist, but Peter's music has become an anthem to the times in my life, both good and bad.  

I know this concert will become urban legend and people will talk about it 20 years from now, but I will always remember it as the concert in which I had a connection to Peter Murphy. 

Peace and Love, Di


and then there is the laughter...

This past week has been a week of hysterical laughter.  It began with my husband and I watching the funniest movie we have seen in a long long time - OSS 117, Cairo, Nest of Spies. If you are easily offended then skip it you won't get the humor and it was never meant for you anyway.  But if you like to laugh until you cannot stand, sit or for that matter hold your bladder - this is the movie for you!

Okay so laughter.

My daughter has made me laugh, my husband has made me laugh, my friends have made me laugh and I have made me laugh as well. 

The week ended wonderfully with breakfast with one of my girlfriends and we laughed from the moment we sat down until I dropped her off at BART.  I would gladly say that laughter is good for the soul.  

So here is your laugh...