Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What would Carla Bruni do?

So you all know who Carla Bruni is right - she is the model, turned singer, turned actress, turned first lady of France.

I have been giving her some thought lately - and I am impressed. Yes, you heard me I said impressed.

Carla is her own woman, she is wise in the way of men, sex, politics, etc. and she is smart as hell. Not your ordinary super-model.

She has transcended her rock and roll love affairs, nude photo's, inappropriate (by American Standards) comments both those under her breath and on the record. She is beautiful! She is educated. She recently married the conservative French president Sarkozy and France is enchanted with her. So much so that Sarko's ratings have improved.Matter of fact - all of Europe is enchanted.

Carla is brilliant - she gets what Princess Diana (whom I adored) and the various others, who have since fallen into historical oblivion, did not. She knows how to play the game and she is good at it. Carla has charmed the entire British royal family most especially it's male members with her charm,intelligence and image, even England's PM. Rule #1 she looked fantastic - she played the princess role like none other. She was smart, witty, charming, demure (Rules 2-5).

What I like about Carla is that she is who she is. She is not trying to be anyone else just herself.

She plays the game well - one might think that when you play the game you are not being yourself - THINK AGAIN we are multi-faceted creatures that have many personas to fit many situations. Knowing how to be yourself with the many aspects of yourself is self-actualization and not you trying to be someone else.

So lately when difficult situations arise I ask myself - WHAT WOULD CARLA DO?

Being lied to - Carla would call you on it, light a cigarette and blow smoke in your face. Kiss you on both cheeks while giggling and telling you to get lost, she would then walk away laughing and NOT look back (because you no longer exist).

Being cut off on the road - if she were driving she would zip past your car in her convertible while blasting Serge Gainsbourg in the background. Hair blowing in the wind and again laughing as she tossed her head back - never ever looking at you (remember you do not exist).

Being cheated on - she would show up at the event you both were supposed to come to together. She would flirt furiously and successfully with your best friend while you are NOT watching (remember her goal is not that you see, but that she regains the upper hand for herself) and goes off to have passionate sex with him/her. She has singlehandedly been discreet, gotten back at you, figuratively flipped you off - all while having fun and you not knowing your were just screwed twice....hah!

SEE WHAT I MEAN - posing the WHAT WOULD CARLA DO question fits all situations. Just try it yourself.

Anyway I need to get back to work...more on WHAT WOULD CARLA DO LATER...


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