Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Owl Animal Symbolism

The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, Athena and is even depicted on some Greco-Roman currency as a symbol of status, intelligence and of course, wealth.

In ancient Egyptian, Celtic, and Hindu cultures the symbolic meaning of owl revolved around guardianship of the underworlds, and a protection of the dead.

In this light the owl was ruler of the night and seer of souls. A misunderstanding of this necessary relationship gave the owl some negative associations with death.

It should be clear that the owl was honored as the keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. Often myth indicates the owl accompanying a spirit to the underworld - winging it's newly freed soul from the physical world into the realm of spirit.

Native Americans associated the meaning of owl with wisdom, foresight, and keeper of sacred knowledge. This may largely be due to the fact that the owl is a great foreteller of weather conditions. Also its ability to see at night is legend among the Native Americans, and this attribute would be invoked during ceremonies when an oracle of secret knowledge was required.

Similarly, West African and Aboriginal Australian cultures viewed the owl as a messenger of secrets, kin to sorcerers, as well as companions to seers, mystics and medicine people.

During medieval times in western and central Europe it was fabled that owls were actually priestesses (witches) and wizards in disguise. To this day the owl is considered a witch's familiar (an animal soul-spirit linked to a spiritual person via a unique, communicative bond).

Hindu Deities - dedicated to Allegra

Images...beautiful men

Friday, January 14, 2011

And then the writing...

It has been such a long time since I have written. It felt good to post pictures of things that I covet or inspire me.

Things have just been for me this past year.

My husband and I seem to be going in two different directions. We have no mad money. We still owe the IRS so much money. There are arguments all the time. My husband pulled a Mel Gibson late August. Addiction has visited my home quite a few times this year. Pretty much, to be frank, 2010 was pretty shitty.

So here it is 2011. I have more spots on my breasts and it has taken my oncologist about 4 months to see me - I had an appointment today, but I have the flu. There is no way I am going to the oncologists with so many getting chemo while sick. So I see him next week. I am trying not to dwell on them, and just have a look see.

Also, my gyn called me to advise that my pap was normal, but she noticed some endometrial cells that she needed to check out. So first a sonogram then a biopsy. Shit!

Knee is still out, ankles and heel still hurt.

SO WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL OF THIS ABOUT. I am only 50, not 90!

I have to take more control of my life - so here is what I did. I have found a therapist, Lucy, I adore her. I have called the IRS to say I want this taken care of this year. I have made all of my doctor appointments. I need to walk on the beach, laugh with friends, hang with my daughter, walk away from my husbands addiction and anger, declutter my home, my office, my head, my soul, lose weight...find the joy again.

More later...this girl needs more sleep. Hope this bug goes away soon.

Happy New Year...

Heart leaps from chest...

Hanuman hugging Lord Rama.


Fabulous Style


Facebook posts.

To me, this is Paris...

The Parisian apartment

The perfect place setting complete with silver and linen.

The simplicity and perfection of a beautifully wrapped gift.

The beautiful monogram.

Chandelier fix...

My husband knocked the big crystal off the little chandelier in my daughters bedroom. This inspired me - so I bought the same crystal from EBay. It will be perfect.

My favorite Etsy artist - Talula

There is an incredibly talented artist on Etsy - Talula. I love to shop her site and have several of her pieces. Her work is so beautiful. Won't you support such a wonderful artist...pay her a visit and see for yourself.

I wish...

I forget where I found this image - when I find it I will add to this post. This artist is incredible - such creativity.

A Year, it has been a year since I have last posted to Di Speaks.

No truer words have ever been spoken.

I love this man with all my heart. Out from him comes wisdom, so much wisdom, calm and compassion.