Monday, November 5, 2007

In the beginning...observing some married people

Okay so I have sat here racking my brain trying to figure out what my first entry would be. I entertained ranting about the recalls of toys, toothpaste, etc. from China - but I really didn't want to start off bitching about stuff - so I decided to save that rant for later.

I think that I will talk about the married relationships that I have been observing lately. Not the wonderful relationships that I am amazed by, but the kind that make your feel somewhat awkward.

Okay so is this bitching? Hmmmmm maybe not so much and maybe just a little.

I was just at my daughter's schools' meet-and-greet. I was in a happy mood surrounded by friends and lots of yummy wine. When one of my friends introduces me to a fellow that happens to be married to one of the most delightful mom's in our school. She is big hearted, generous in spirit, and overall a lovely lovely lady. So of course I say OH, I JUST ADORE YOUR WIFE. His reaction was quite surprising - he semi-humorously stated "what is up with you people" and continued to carry on about that I must be referring to someone else, blah, blah, blah - you can get the drift. Honestly, I wanted to toss my wine on him but I didn't want to waste good wine on not-so-good people. So I didn't, I think I snapped off that I was surprised by his remarks. My friend did not mince her words - she knows him better than I.

Okay so what is up here? I am not a therapist so don't expect any rational scientific mental assessment from me - I am at a loss as well. How did this relationship get to the place where someone's (once) beloved spouse feels the freedom to make these statements.

I know others who belittle their spouse, scold their spouse repeatedly for minor offenses, are ungrateful of their spouse, do not see the value of their spouse working from home, and so on.

Where did it all go wrong?

Come on folks - time to snap out of it. Unless your husband or wife is slug that sits around all day watching TV and never ever helps around the house, with your kids or for that matter can't even fend for themselves - you need to muster up a little respect for your beloved. Even if you don't feel that way at the moment, you once did? Right? What ever happened to the word RESPECT.

Hey, if you continuously belittle a man, you emasculate him. If you belittle a women, you wound her very soul - even if she snaps back, she's a gonner (to my feminist friends who might argue with me - please save it, I have held your hand while you have been in reduced to ashes by someone and their words). How did we get to a place where it is okay to respect others more than your family. To tolerate other peoples children more than your own-even when they are worse. To wave around your distain, anger, frustration as one of your rights.

I think it is time we all step up - remember Mother Theresa once said "Peace of Earth Begins at Home"